Category Archives: Video



是次制作零成本進行,靠的是一群多才多藝的學生和舊生。台前有中大本土代表Jerry Yuen Tak Chi及社唱冠軍Li Ching,幕後有學系的教研助理Jason、William、Stanley以及Tommy的碩士學生,即將升讀博士的JöanneDöuglas

【植入廣告】如果有DSE嘅同學想入讀一個俾到學生自由去發展嘅學系, 中大經濟系係個唔錯嘅選擇!CUHK Economics嘅聯招編號係JS4824。係 4-8-2-4,非常易記。【植入廣告完】







De-clicking Canon FD lens to get stepless aperture

Dedicated video lenses usually feature stepless aperture to allow for smooth adjustment of exposure. Most still photography lenses, in contrast, feature stepped aperture adjustment. This guide demonstrates how to “de-click” Canon FD lenses to get stepless aperture.

Before you continue, note that

  1. De-clicking is easy. All you need to do is to unscrew the rear and take out one or two things.
  2. The process will not introduce dust into your lens—the optical assembly is sealed in one piece inside the lens.
  3. There is a “cheat” that gives you continuous aperture adjustment without the hassle of opening up the lens. All you need to do is set your lens to the smallest aperture, then turn the ring on the FD adapter. The downside of this cheat is you do not have any indication of which f-stop you are at.

With that in mind, if you still believe de-clicking is useful—and I personally do find that being the case—here is a quick demonstration on how to do so.

1. Take apart the lens from the rear and remove parts that cause un-smooth movement

taken apart

You need to remove the two parts indicated by the blue arrows if you want the aperture ring to rotate smoothly. If you can stand the un-smoothness, however, you can keep the parts on—with the parts on, step 2 alone is actually sufficient to give you stepless aperture.

2. Remove the piston


On lens such as the the 28mm—in which you lock by rotating the whole lens—the piston underneath the aperture ring provides the click. Remove the piston de-clicks the lens. If you have kept the two parts on in the first step, you can now re-assemble the lens.

If instead your FD lens locks with a rotating metal ring, you will need to remove the two ball bearings inside the aperture ring.

3. Removing the spring holding the aperture selector

remove spring

At this point if you re-assemble the lens without the jiggering parts, you will notice that the aperture bounces back when you try to set a small aperture. This is due to the spring mechanism used in FD lens’ aperture control: the aperture ring is actually only capable of driving the aperture in one direction; reverse movement is driven by the spring holding the aperture selector. Removing the spring solves this issue.

4. Linking the aperture ring to the aperture diaphragm


Because the aperture ring is designed to only drive the aperture in one direction, you need to manually link the aperture ring to the diaphragm. Here I used a short polyester thread, lopping around the coupling pin on the diaphragm and held underneath the link on the aperture ring. Make sure the aperture size match up with the f-stop indicated on the aperture ring.

If your FD lens locks with a rotating metal ring, you will be lopping around the coupling fork instead:

link to driver

5. Re-assemble the lens. It’s done!


難得今天逛了一轉已經好久沒去過的鴨寮街瑩記。從瑩記賣的器材可以看到普及攝影的發展。相比四年前,錄影的器材明顯多了。以前我要自己改裝燈箱以用上多過一個慳電膽,現在可以買得到(淨箱$600),slider、matte box、follow focus都有(slider:$2800唔連頭,matte box:$4000連french flags,均屬低價,但以價論質個人還是建議用外國貨。Follow focus配套不佳,不建議)。




當然,這是以整體社會而言。我相信錄影器材的普及化能幫助演藝學生這樣的有心人以低成本拍出媲美商業製作的錄像作品。在外國,所謂的indie production—姑且譯之為「業餘製作」,以別於獨立發行之商業製作—水準可以很高,不少名導演就是這樣出身的。在香港,眼見本地電視劇集製作之每況愈下,不由得更祈求indie production早日興起。

Metrics Videos 08

This is becoming a tradition. For the third year in a role Berkeley Economics PhD class of 2010 has produced what now known as “Metrics Videos”–videos that mock the life of economic graduate students. This year Metrics Videos are our biggest production ever, featuring real professors, dozens of graduate student extras, HD recording, special effects, etc. Besides that we also set a new record in the time we finish product, as principle photography was done over a week ahead of the skit party. A big thank you has to be given to all the faculties involved, particularly Prof. Powell and Prof. Ruud who actually performed the music in “No Dissertation”.

So without further due, enjoy the show:

No Dissertation from ticoneva on Vimeo.

Stronger from ticoneva on Vimeo.

Note: To view the clips in High Definition click on the link beneath each video instead of watching it here. If you cannot see the videos click here.